Invited speakers
Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva
Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva has been researcher of Centro de Química Estrutural of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon since 2009, where he has developed research work while collaborating in teaching at national and foreign universities. His research includes the development of approaches for the detailed evaluation of the uncertainty associated with complex measurements and the development of tutorials and user-friendly software for the reliable interpretation of analytical information. More recently, Ricardo Silva developed tools for the evaluation of the uncertainty in qualitative analysis.
Ricardo Silva has been technical assessor of the Portuguese Accreditation body since 2002 (, secretary of CITAC since April 2017 (, member of the Executive Committee of Eurachem since May 2012 (, member of the 'Eurachem/CITAC Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability Working Group' since 2010, member and chair of the 'Eurachem/CITAC Qualitative Analysis Working Group' since December 2012 and May 2017, respectively, Portuguese delegate of Eurachem since May 2010, and co-coordinator of ForMEQ (www.formeq.ord) since 2019.