Invited speakers
Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda
Director of the Institute of Chemistry – Unicamp (Campinas, Brazil), is Full Professor at the Unicamp, Department of Analytical Chemistry, head of the Sample preparation, spectrometry and mechanization group – GEPAM, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He acted as invited professor at Pau University – Pau, France, and at University of Ballears Island – Palma, Mallorca, Spain. Additionally, he acted as adviser in more than 60 Master Dissertations or PhD Thesis.
He belongs to the advisory board of the Metallomics, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Journal of Integrated Omics, and is Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry. He also acts as a member of the advisory board of the Brazilian Chemistry Association (ABQ), and of the National Institute of Science and Technology - INCT for Bioanalytics.
Author or co-author over 230 research articles, 11-chapter books, 5 patents, over 50 invited lectures in national/international meetings, and Editor of 3 books.
The main research interest includes bioanalytical with emphasis on speciomics, mass and atomic spectrometry, sample preparation, forensic and mechanization.
Prof. Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda
Unicamp - University of Campinas
Institute of Chemistry
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Sao Paulo