Invited speakers
Jorge Pisonero
Prof. Jorge Pisonero is a Full Professor of Physics (since 2021) at University of Oviedo (Spain), from which he obtained his PhD degree (November 2004) working on glow discharge spectroscopy. After his PhD, he was awarded a 2-year Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for a postdoctoral stay at ETH (Switzerland) to work on laser ablation-based techniques. Afterwards, Jorge obtained the prestigious “Ramon and Cajal” research contract and went back to University of Oviedo, where in collaboration with Dr Nerea Bordel established the Laser and Plasma Spectroscopy Research Group (>). His current research interests are focused on fundamentals and applications of atmospheric and low pressure GD spectroscopies, LIBS and LA-ICP-MS. Moreover, Jorge is co-author of more than 95 scientific articles and several book chapters.
Jorge Pisonero has been recognized with several awards, including the Masao Horiba Award in 2009, the 2011 Award for Nobel Researcher in Applied Physics given by the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and the BBVA Foundation, and the 2018 Winter Conference Young Scientist Award in Plasma Spectrochemistry given by Thermo Scientific.
Dr. Jorge Pisonero Castro
Full Professor of Physics
Dept. of Physics. University of Oviedo
Avda. Federico Garcia Lorca 18,
33007 Oviedo, SPAIN